Our Asparagus

At Mangaweka Asparagus we are committed to the highest quality standards, Making Us New Zealand's Favourite asparagus supplier. 

Fresh is best

Our cool store is centred right in the middle of our asparagus crop, meaning the asparagus is chilled almost immediately after picking. This means our asparagus will stay crisp and fresher for longer.

Our dedicated team of skilled pickers carefully hand select each spear. These spears are packed into crates out in the field. These crates are continually being collected and promptly placed in the chiller. We believe this quick turnaround and cooling process is the key to quality that we take so seriously. 

Once cooled, the asparagus is then graded and bunched carefully. During the packing process, we have strict quality control checks to ensure only the best spears leave the property. Bunches are packed into crates and then given a final wash with clean filtered local spring water before heading out on the truck to your local store.   

Our Location

Located in the beautiful Kawhatau Valley, our asparagus thrives on the stoney free-draining river terrace. With the cool nights and mild spring days, you will be doing well to find a better spot to give that sweet, juicy flavour. 

On top of this, we are in an area which gets very little wind. For you, this means better quality spears and no wind blown grit.

Our cooler climate also means less disease risk, therefore less use of fungicides. All this, tucked away in the picturesque Rangitikei hill country with the Ruahine ranges as our backdrop.

Later Season

At an elevation of 450 metres, the crop starts at least a month later than New Zealand's main growing areas. This means the season extends into January where typically New Zealand Asparagus would be long finished on the menu. This means you can keep enjoying your asparagus right through the holiday period. The later spring and cooler nights give us this unique advantage. 

Spray Free

Not only do we take food safety as the most important part of what we do, we also aren’t big on the use of sprays. During our three month harvest season, the crop is left completely to nature. This means that we can be certain that every spear that leaves the property hasn’t seen a drop of spray and you can rest assured that what you are eating has only seen clean country air.


Food safety is of the utmost importance to us. This is why we regularly test and inspect the crop right through the harvest to packing process, so you can be sure our asparagus is completely clean and safe.

We are committed to the minimal use of sprays and stand by what we produce.

We are Growsafe operators and are committed to the New Zealand GAP quality assurance programme.

New Zealand GAP is a quality assurance programme that provides a traceable, accountable system from crop to customer for the production of fruit, vegetables, olives and flowers.

It ensures best practices are in place for the production, packaging and distribution of New Zealand fresh produce and reduces the risk of health, safety and environmental issues, so customers can buy with confidence.